How to Add the Meet Our Active Members Widget ?

Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for Author Avatars List is installed first!

Please make sure you have Author Avatars List and Grimlock for Author Avatars List installed and activated before adding the widget listing your members. If you haven’t already done so, you still can install this plugin before proceeding to the following steps.
Download Grimlock for Author Avatars List

If you have visited our Gwangi demos, you might be interested in adding the widget listing your members. The following steps will walk you through.

Install the Required Plugins

We use Author Avatars List in our demo websites to display lists of member avatars. If you wish to display their avatars using our section widget, we recommend that you also download Grimlock for Author Avatars List. It’s available for free on our servers.

Finally, please install and activate both of these plugins.

To learn how to manually install an additional WordPress plugin to your website, please read the following post:

Installing a New Plugin

Create a Widgetized Page

The member avatar lists are dynamically created with a section widget from Grimlock for Author Avatars List. You can add the widget to your homepage or any widgetized page.

Please find more on widgetized pages in the following post:

Creating Widgetized Pages

Finally, feel free to add other section widgets to your page to showcase marketing content and suggest the most interactions with your visitors.
Please find more on widgetized pages in the following post:

Adding the Grimlock Section Widget